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Monday 13th January 2025

Your Phoenix Stories

Would you like to share your personal story about living with domestic abuse and your journey to safety? Sharing our experiences builds strength and connection, inspiring and empowering others to take their own steps toward freedom.

If you’d like your story to be featured on the Stella White-Rose website, please email to the address shown in the image below. Don’t forget to include your chosen author name. Any personal details, such as real names or locations, will be altered to ensure your privacy and protection.

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I Will Rise from The Ashes – Domestic Violence: What it is & How to safely leave by Stella White-Rose is out 6th April 2025, available from Amazon on Kindle.

Monday 6th January 2025

Welcome to the Stella White-Rose Blog!

Hello World. And, hello to the Phoenixes and those about to rise from the ashes. This is the Blog that accompanies my book: I Will Rise from The Ashes – Domestic Violence: What it is & How to safely leave. Available as an ebook on the Kindle, from Amazon, from: 6th April 2025.

Maybe you think things can’t change, but the truth is we’re all in a constant state of flux.

Changes, whether minuscule or momentous, are always happening. Life is fluid, and what feels unchangeable today may be entirely different in 10 years, 5 years, 1 year—or even just a month, a week, or a single day. Tomorrow can be drastically different. While no one knows what lies around the corner, there are also changes YOU CAN MAKE that can have a profound and lasting impact on your life. This is your life.

Your Life.

Understanding that your life is truly yours means acknowledging that no one has the right to treat you cruelly or control you. The roots of abuse run deep, entrenched in the foundations of our societies. Even now, in this so-called age of enlightenment, domestic violence persists—insidious and pervasive across all walks of life. Its tendrils extend through generations, cultivated not only by men but, at times, by women as well.

Abuse is Never Okay.

Domestic abuse is profoundly a societal problem. It’s an issue that demands urgent attention through education from early childhood onwards and must be treated with the care and respect it deserves. Governments worldwide need to address this issue seriously. Women’s refuges, victim support services, and related charities require unwavering funding and educational initiatives. Domestic abuse harms and fractures families, its ripples spreading far and wide. It is society’s best-kept open secret—a source of shame that further silences and isolates victims. Even when victims are not murdered, the mental scars often last a lifetime.

Domestic violence affects 1 in 3 women and 1 in 4 men globally, underscoring its pervasive and insidious nature (WHO, 2021).

The Importance of My Book.

In my book, I share my personal story and the insights I’ve gained to answer crucial questions: What is domestic violence in all its forms, and how can it be identified? Most importantly, how can victims leave safely? The time of leaving an abuser is often the most dangerous for victims, with the risk of harm or fatality increasing significantly during and after separation.

If you are a victim of domestic violence, NEVER tell your abuser you’re planning to leave. It’s too dangerous. Your safety, and that of your children, must take priority over notions of fairness or decency. Abusers forfeited those considerations the moment they began harming you. Children, especially, are vulnerable and need our utmost protection.

My book provides practical tools, resources, and guidance to navigate this critical time safely. It’s a lifeline for those who need clarity and empowerment to break free and begin anew.

I Will Rise from The Ashes – Domestic Violence: What it is & How to safely leave by Stella White-Rose is out 6th April 2025, available from Amazon on Kindle.